Location: North Carolina, United States

I'm a geek.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006


Omega by Jack McDevitt

I just finished Omega by Jack McDevitt.

It's a decent sci fi story. If you've read Chindi or Deepsix by McDevitt, then you somewhat know what to expect. Hutch is again a character, but not really the main character in this story.

There are really two major plot lines 1) there are these big space clouds call Omega's that are traveling through space destroying any sort of intelligent species or at least any structures with right angles. 2) a world with an intelligent life form (called the Goompahs) is about to get swallowed by a cloud.

The book spends a lot of time on the Goompahs and their culture and beliefs. I think with a lot of comment from McDevitt on what he thinks is wrong with today's human culture. There is also the mystery of what the Omegas are and where they came from. Is there some evil civilization out there in space that wants to kill everyone?

Well, I won't give away the end, but the Omega solution wasn't very satisfying to me. The book was okay. Not my favorite, but not too bad.

I'd give it a 5 out of 10.

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